PDP New Generation Condemns Attack On Party Chieftain, Segun Showunmi 


The Ogun state chapter of Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) New Generation ha condemned the unwarranted and heinous attack on its party chieftain, Otunba Segun Showunmi at the premises of Isabo Court in Abeokuta ,Ogun State.

PDP New Generation, state Cordinator Arc Sodeinde Daniel in a press statement made available to journalists alleged APC members who he described as thugs being behind the attack. 

Arc. Sodeinde explained that the party Governorship Aspirant while approaching the court entrance for the election petition Tribunal was flogged with canes and physically assaulted.

According to the statement which read in parts "We all came to court today to show solidarity to our principals as it start the journey to reclaim his mandate back from the APC and Dapo Abiodun,but getting to the court today we see majority of the APC supporters came in thier numbers."

"Things turn out when One of our leader and Elder stateman Mr Segun Showunmi came and APC thugs bounce on him with all sort of dangerous weapons,it takes intervention of the Security agent on ground to forcefully take him away from them"

"This altitude is barbaric and uncalled for,it dosent portray the good character of Ogun state indigine."

"In a sane society, how can such things happen if not with the support of the Government in power."

"Its obvious that APC and Prince Dapo Abiodun has lost it and looking for all avenue to stop Dr Ladi Adebutu from reclaiming his stolen Mandate."

"We Condemn in totality the action of APC memebers who came to the court today with cains in thier hands flogging harmless and innocent citizen that are going about thier business causing unrest in the public space."

"We want to remind the Commissioner of police that is the right of the commission to protect citizens."

"We hereby call all the security apparatus in the state to investigate the matter and bring them to book.", the statement concluded. 

We also using this medium to call on Dapo Dapo Abiodun to call his supporters to order

We wont tolerate such again,no one has the nonopoly of violence but we just decided to show that we are law abiding citizen. 

We hereby call on our security forces to investigate and arrest the culprit for the peace of the state

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