The National Association of Community Health Practitioners of Nigeria (NACHPN) has commended the present administration in Ogun State for recruiting 212 Community Health Workers into the state work force to further improve healthcare service delivery across the communities in the State.

This commendation was made public by the Zonal President of the. Association who also doubled as National Vice - President, Comrade. Donnish Oluwasegun , at a - two days Orientation workshop for the newly recruited Community Health Practitioners by the Ogun State government , held at their Secretariat's auditorium, Magbon , Abeokuta, Ogun State.
Com. Oluwasegun , described the employment of 212 Community Health worker as a new Dawn at preventing community health challenges and enlightening the grassroots on how to stay save and healthy within their communities through regular interaction with the Community Health Workers rather than thronging out in panic and to overwhelm the secondary health institution for minor health issues for treatments.

The State , Chairman NACHPN , Com. Sunmola Moruuf , appreciated the State Governor Prince Dapo Abiodun ingenuity for employing the 212 Health Community Workers as part of the administration's determination to provide an affordable all inclusive health care service across the length and breath of the State through the use of the community health worker.
He said " the recruitment of be community health has necessitated this orientation workshop to equip them for the task ahead is very important. As the parent body of the newly employed Community Health Workers is to complement the I efforts of the State government which is long over due in the State. The last time health workers were employed in the State was during the Otunba Gbenga Daniel administration. Without gain saying, there are lots on ground for the newly recruited health workers to do considering current situation and they must not fail."
Dr. Bakare Jeleel, a guest lecturer, in his lecture titled "Roles of Community Health Works in developmen of health care service across the State" said, they would continue to be greateful to the present administration for acknowledging the crucial role of Community Health Workers in the state and appealed to the newly recruited health workers to remain dedicated to their assigned duties and know their roles which were not limited to sensitizing and enlightening the people on how to stay healthy.

providing culturally appropriate health education on topics related to chronic disease prevention and nutrition,
collecting data and relay information to appropriate quarters and stakeholders on necessary policies and 
Provide informal counseling, health screenings, and referrals amongst others.

Responding on behalf of others recruited health workers , Comrade. Ayide Agnes and Ogunsanya Adedayo jointly thanked the State Governor Prince Dapo Abiodun for his kind gesture and determination to reposition the standard of the State health Sector to that of global standard.

They assured that they would not to dissapoint the government and do everything possible to justify huge investment of government for employing them.

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