NANS Denies Allegation Made by Lawyers United Against Corruption (LUAC)

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) has denied the allegations made by Lawyers United Against Corruption (LUAC) against the  association. 

While we acknowledge that NANS requested information from the Executive Secretary of the Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFUND), Mr. Sonny Echono, it is important to clarify the facts surrounding the situation.

Preliminary findings by NANS shows that LUAC is another faceless group with no verifiable address and neither an active registration with the Corporate Affairs Commission, a clear red flag to all patriotic citizens in search of truth.

NANS sought certain information from Mr. Sonny Echono, and we would like to state on the record that he responded promptly and provided us with the information we requested. The allegations made by LUAC regarding massive corruption, contract fraud, procurement racketeering, and abuse of office are completely inaccurate, misleading, and unfounded. They are nothing more than a figment of the imagination of those who are intimidated by Mr. Sonny Echono's outstanding leadership and his commitment to the progress of the TETFUND.

Furthermore, NANS has conducted its own thorough investigation into the matter, and we have found no evidence to support the allegations against Mr. Sonny Echono. We affirm our unwavering confidence in his leadership and reiterate our belief that these accusations are meant to tarnish his hard-earned reputation. The issue of a Toyota Coaster Bus being portrayed as a bribe to NANS is not a recent development but a long-standing matter that predates the current administration and was first requested by Comr. Danielson Bamidele, the former President of our Association.

Under the leadership of Comr. Umar Usman Baramabu and the current executive council, NANS remains steadfast in supporting Mr. Sonny Echono in his pursuit to ensure that TETFUND delivers on its intervention mandate for the betterment of education in our country. We believe that it is imperative to support visionary leaders like Mr. Sonny Echono, rather than engaging in baseless accusations that serve no purpose other than to hinder the progress of our educational system.

We urge Lawyers United Against Corruption (LUAC) to cease their unfounded attacks and instead redirect their efforts towards supporting the positive initiatives undertaken by Mr. Sonny Echono and the TETFUND. Together, we can work towards the advancement of education in Nigeria and the betterment of our society.

Signed Usman Baba KANKIA NANS National Secretary General

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