I am Prince Amb (Dr) Adedipe Dauda Ewenla a bonafide People's democratic Party (PDP) chieftain in Alimosho Local Government Lagos and I am not ready to leave my party to join any political party despite the fact that I haven't benefits anything in the past but I believe in God time my future is bright in politics 

I Ewenla have no plans to leave my great party People's democratic Party (PDP) despite the disappointment by some selfish leaders in the past especially in Alimosho PDP

I believe this is the right time to build the Party (PDP) not to leave and I believe His Excellency Alhji Atiku Abubakar Wasiri of Adamawa will collect his mandate back very soon it is a matter of time 

Those who have excuses don't make meaningful progress.
Your explanation is meaningless and stop unecessary excuses the world doesn't need your explanation but your manifestation and if there's no reasonable manifestation stop your nonsensical story and move on don't blame others for your failure's 

*My brothers and sisters*
Where there is a will there is a way. Don't join those that believe in impossibility, they have nothing to offer you at all rather than failure in every challenge there must a solution. Join people with a winning mentality. A winner can never quit and a quitter can never win. Keep trying 

If you have the opportunity to write your name in Gold now, please go ahead and make an impact in your generation.  

If you change your political party without changing your characters it is just a waste of time you eventually have to face up to the consequences of your actions. Meaning you will reap what you sow what you do to people matter most 

If their going will bring meaningful people to the party let them go they've collected billions of Naira from the party and members for been a candidate without good results 

*Read Bible verse*
A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life. Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:7–9)

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Prince Amb (Dr) Adedipe Dauda Ewenla
Nis DiL Bsc Msc


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