Revealed: How Lawyer of Tani Olohun Olukoya Ogungbeje Sue nine people in Ilorin to one court in Lagos
Have we heard? That the lawyer of Tani Olohun Olukoya Ogungbeje Sue nine people in Ilorin to one court in Lagos.
The lists of people are:
* Inspector general of police
* Commissioner of police Ilorin
* Governor of Ilorin
* Council of Ullama
* The Father Of the council oif Ullama
* Imam Agba Sheikh Dr. Muhammad Bashiru Saliu
* Alfa Abdul Salam Okutagidi
* The magistrate court Ilorin
* The correction centre Ilorin.
The lawyer tells the court to order the nine people to allow issese to perform their sacrifices or festival, as what is in the 1999 constitution.
Secondly, the IG and commissioner should give iseese maximum protection especially when they are doing their sacrifices and festivals.
Lastly, to give the correction centre order to leave Tani Olohun, Iya Osun and Baba Tede to be going home.
These are the implications of what those Islamic scholars and Sheikh who claimed they're fighting for God did to Islam and that is why many people are against their attitudes because we believe they're fighting for their personal interest not Islam or Almighty Allah
Iya Osun is a Muslim Tani Olohun is also a Muslim how come they become traditional worshipers if not the attitude and behaviors of some Islamic scholars and Sheikh who turned Islamic religion to their professional caterer they cannot preach the words of God without criticizing other religions although we still have many islamic scholars and Sheikh in Islamic religion
Why not humble yourself as a Islamic scholar and preach the words of God to other religions and join Islam instead of criticizing and threatening them to join Islam by force
Iya Osun convert to Islam 3 days ago I can tell you categorically she will still convert back to traditional worshipers religion because she was not converted to Islam peacefully she joined Islamic religion either because of fear or because of what they promised her if she joined Islam I pray they fulfill all what they promise her and don't send her back to traditional worshipers with their bad characters
1. The court will grant all their applications according to the 1999 Nigeria constitution amendments section (36) says below 👇
A person shall be entitled to a fair hearing within a reasonable time by a court or other tribunal established by law and constituted in such a manner as to secure its independence and impartiality.
2. The court will grant their applications according to section (38) 1999 Nigeria constitution amendments says below 👇
Every person shall be entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom (either alone or in community with others, and in public or in private) to manifest and propagate his religion or belief in worship, teaching, practice and observance
3. The court will grant their applications according to Nigeria constitution 1999 amendment section 35(4) below 👇
Any person that has been arrested and detained on allegations of committing a crime is entitled to bail. The right to bail is a constitutional right under the following legal frameworks: Section 35(4) of the Nigerian Constitution. Section 158 of the Administration of Criminal Justice Act of 2015.
Now if the judgment between Ilorin kwara state Muslim and Tani Olohun Traditional worshipers come out in favor of traditional worshipers what will happen? It means traditional worshipers and other religions can practice their religion anywhere in Ilorin or anywhere in Nigeria including the front of Emir of Ilorin palace and nothing will happen because police must provide maximum security for them since conditions back it up
Our Muslim sheikh and scholars have more work to do in Nigeria than to be fighting against other religions most of Boko Haram. Bandit. Kidnappers are 90% Muslims why not preach the words of God for them to assist Nigeria security challenges
Islamic is the only religion of peace let's do the right thing
God bless Nigeria
Security Expert
Prince Amb (Dr) Adedipe Dauda Ewenla
Nis DiL Bsc Msc
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