The Commissioner for Physical Planning and Urban Development, TPl Olatunji Odunlami has advised professional bodies in the built industry to familiarize themselves with the Ogun State Urban and Regional Planning and Development (OGURPD) Law, 2022 for improved service delivery.

TPl Odunlami stated this while playing host to the Abeokuta Branch of the Nigerian Society of Engineers (NSE) in the Ministry’s Conference Room, Oke Mosan, Abeokuta.

According to him, the course of physical planning and urban development requires continuous exposure and deployment of new technologies and approaches, so that regulatory bodies can effectively respond to the demands of the sector.

“For us to respond adequately, we need to review where we are and see whether they are becoming relevant or defective to what we are witnessing in the sector. That is why we are inviting you to look at our laws, our regulations, and the way we do things if you see anything there, alert us. Our common interest is Ogun State, to ensure that our State continues to show that there are people who know what needs to be done in terms of physical development and are doing it,” the Commissioner stated.

In his remarks, the Chairman, NSE Abeokuta Branch, Engr. Ismail Adenuga thanked Governor Dapo Abiodun for the passage of the OGURPD Law 2022, saying the passage of the law was possible because there was a Commissioner who understood the importance of having legal backing to activities within the sector.

“This law will help us a lot in combating building collapse as there will be due monitoring of all the constructions going on in the State. Both NSE and Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) are ready to pool resources and work with your Ministry and its agencies to ensure that all your good plans for the State come to fruition”, Engr. Adenugba reiterated.

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