NANS Senate President Extends New Year Greetings to Students, Emphasizes Unity for Success

The National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS) Senate President, Comrade Elvis Ekundina has sent a new year greetings to students across the country.  

Comrade Ekundina in his new year message said the past year, 2023 which might have thrown curveballs like delayed results, non Students friendly policies introduced by management and government at different levels, inadequate facilities among others but he stood for students interest.

According to him "Fellow compatriots soaring high, As the first sunlight of 2024 washes over our hopeful nation, I, Senator Comrade Ekundina Segun Elvis, NANS National Senate President, stand before you with a heart brimming with the vibrant fire of optimism."

"Like you, I see not just another year unfolding, but a blank canvas begging to be splashed with the audacious colours of our dreams. This year, my fellow compatriots, we paint a masterpiece – a masterpiece of Nigerian students excellence, forged in the furnace of challenge and crowned with the jewels of quality education."

"Remember, the past year might have thrown curveballs like delayed results, non Students friendly policies introduced by management and government at different levels, inadequate facilities, and even students falling victim to kidnapping, rape, intimidation and other sorts of oppression, but we, the resilient Nigerian students, swung back harder".

We fought for fair fees, for a voice within the ivory towers and for the respect our unwavering dedication deserves. And, while the battle cry echoes on, remember this: in your unwavering spirit, I see not just students, but pioneers. 

Pioneers carving a path towards a future where knowledge flows like the mighty Niger, where classrooms inspire innovation and every step of your academic journey is paved with the promise of excellence.

This year, let's channel that pioneering spirit into building a new dawn for Nigerian education.
We the leadership of NANS, your unwavering compass, stands with you, every step of the way. We are your shield against injustice, your amplifier in the silence and your unwavering advocate for affordable and accessible education, quality learning environments, safe and secured campus, plus recognition and reward for excellence.

This year, let's embrace the power of unity, the fire of ambition, and the unwavering belief in ourselves. Let 2024 be the year we redefine "Nigerian students" – not just as seekers of knowledge, but as catalysts for progress, changemakers shaping a brighter future for all.

Happy New Year, my fellow pioneers! Let's make it our year!

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