You Didn't Take Bullet For Any Lawmaker, Face Your Corruption Case alone, Osho Tackles Oluomo

 In a recent development at the Ogun State House of Assembly,  Hon. (Barr.) Solomon Osho, a member of the 9th Ogun State House of Assembly, has strongly refuted the impeached Assembly Speaker, Hon. Olakunle Oluomo's claim of taking a bullet for fellow lawmakers during the EFCC investigation. 

The former lawmaker said the former speaker should rather face his corruption case alone. 

It would be recalled that in 2022, the Economic & Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) filed an 11 count charge of conspiracy, forgery and stealing against Olakunle Oluomo and three others.

Addressing journalists yesterday, Oluomo insisted that he still remains the Speaker and leader of the Assembly saying  that the action of the 18 lawmakers was “unconstitutional, null, void and of no effect"

He said the 18 lawmakers had no justification for the ‘illegal’ removal and that the action did not follow due process, therefore  he would approach the court for adjudication on the matter.

Speaking on the EFCC case, the impeached Speaker said all the 9th Assembly members were invited by the EFCC, but he took the bullet for others as the leader of the house.

According to him "Even the case of EFCC that they're talking about, I just took bullet for all of them, all of us were invited by the EFCC, I just stand as a leader, I have the responsibility."

"When I got to the EFCC, I said look, I am the leader of that place, any questions, direct it to me, you don't need to invite all of them and I am the presiding officer and my clerk is here who is the accounting officer, who else do you need? I took the bullet for everybody.

Oluomo continues "And the money they're talking about that time, when I came, the house has about five accounts, I closed all to remain just one and all money that is giving to us goes to that account, and from there, it is transfer to everybody every month, the records are there, thank God the EFCC has asked the bank for the statement of account and  I am not the account officer and I am not responsible for anything but I took bullet for everybody as a leader that is responsible"

Reacting to Oluomo's claim,  Hon Osho said Oluomo lied about taking the bullet for fellow lawmakers during the EFCC investigation. 

In an interview,  Osho while going down memory lane, explained that his suspension along with former Deputy Speaker, Dare Kadiri,  the Court ruled fairly, that the Suspension was “illegal, null & void”. 

He added that the court gave him (Oluomo) opportunity to file his defence, but he failed in doing that. 

Osho disclosed that Oluomo as a Speaker of the house, failed to give him and Kadiri fair hearing before suspending them.

According to Osho, "His only defence was that, the Assembly wasn’t given three months notice before going to court. How does that justify the “jestapo or coup-like” he used in suspending us (Myself and Hon Kadiri)". 

"Did he too give us fair hearing? Were we given any notice before our suspension? Did he too give the Assembly 3 months notice before filing his court processes yesterday?"

While speaking about Oluomo EFCC case, Hon. Osho said "some of us refused to visit the EFCC office to identify our forged signatures, out of our respect for Mr Governor, and because the invite wasn’t addressed to us individually. So he should stop saying he took any “bullet” for me. If he says he is not the Accounting Officer, is he not the Approving Officer? Can the Clerk spend any money without his approval? Other members were invited by EFCC as witnesses, not as accomplices. The invite was to identify our signatures that he, Oluomo & Ckerk were alleged to have forged on payment receipts, but he used the Governor to block us from attending. And that is why he is facing his prosecution alone at the Federal High Court.

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