Scientist Rebellion Nigeria Raises Alarm Over East African Crude Oil Pipeline and DRC Peatlands Auction
In a bold move to protect the environment and the rights of local communities, Scientist Rebellion Nigeria has taken a stand against the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Peatlands Auction.
The EACOP, a massive project that aims to transport oil from Uganda to Tanzania, poses a significant threat to the livelihoods of thousands of families and farmers, as well as the vital water sources that millions of people rely on.
Comfort Francis Apeh, a member of Scientist Rebellion Nigeria, highlighted the potential for East African countries to generate revenue through tourism and agriculture, rather than relying on projects that could have devastating consequences for the region.
The DRC Peatlands, the second largest tropical peatlands in the world, play a crucial role in regulating Africa's climate by storing approximately thirty billion tons of carbon. However, the current land auction in the DRC poses a severe threat to these peatlands, as oil exploitation could release vast amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.
Ayooluwa Ogunsola, another member of Scientist Rebellion Nigeria, drew attention to the experiences of the Niger Delta region in Nigeria, where oil and gas companies have caused significant environmental damage. He emphasized the importance of protecting vital carbon absorption tools, rather than prioritizing profits.
Esther Oluwatoyin, a representative of Scientist Rebellion Nigeria, stressed the need for collaborative action in climate advocacy. She highlighted the unity of scientists, students, and indigenous people in supporting the STOP EACOP campaign, recognizing the risks the project poses to Africa and the planet.
Scientist Rebellion Nigeria's stand against the EACOP and the DRC Peatlands Auction is a powerful reminder of the urgent need to prioritize environmental protection and the rights of local communities over short-term economic gains.
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