By Olasumbo Faseesin, Esq 
Public Interest Advocate

My attention has been drawn to a recent publication, describing a new approach towards the upcoming guber election holding later this year among other issues. However, the decision by acclaimed founding members of the progressive fold to review but affirm it readiness to align with the most preferred Governorship aspirant is not only magnanimous but also reasonable. Expectedly, the leadership and stakeholders of the party are united and unanimous in what otherwise describes a borderless relationship with aspirants hence encouraging their desired aspirations across board. This is not only imperative but critically solving foreseeable tendencies of aggrieved party stalwarts whose interests might have been careless impeded should the initial "endorsement charade" remain absolute. While chapter4 and section 40 of 1999 Constitution(as amended) guarantees a right to peaceful assembly & association which corresponds with Article 11 of the ECHR, "Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and to freedom of association with others, including the right to form and to join trade unions for the protection of his interests". Furthermore, no restrictions shall be placed on the exercise of these rights other than as prescribed by Law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, or public safety among other derogable circumstances. 

The combine effect of these provisions must not be subjected to abuse hence my foremost admonition, asking APC stakeholders to converge into a dialogue otherwise risk the up coming election to a better improved opposition party who's strategic and grass-rooted in followership. It is imperative to note that APC would only require among her aspirants, a unifier who is opened minded, accessible, detailed and more strategic but less baggages to clinch the ticket. Again, I maintain very reasonably that except APC fields a neutral minded candidate to run the guber election, it might be difficult if not impossible to win the 2025 devoid of manipulations. The candidate to emerge must not only be adept, S/he must be strategic in building capacity and competence around human relationships to mend fences, build bridge and inspire confidence in party members who may have been denied rightful compensation. Largely, our people, need that sense of belonging and assurances from the would-be candidate of the party. At least, a satisfactory resolution in this regard by all major & minor stakeholders. 

Therefore, the aborigines are hereby put on notice of the implications of doing otherwise knowing the peculiar nature of Ondo State politics from time immemorial as a people with unique sense of judgement in deciding who governs them. 

The strategy to deploy are not limited in the selective approach, as well as demeanour or, conduct of party stakeholders in their obsessive attempts to endorse aspirants. The approach and process by stakeholders must altogether remain fair irrespective of the present circumstance with the incumbent who also declared interest to run. Otherwise, chances are that APC might witness mass exodus of party members to available alternatives. I forewarned! Nevertheless, I am not a prophet of doom!

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